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SE Pro-Tips: Language Techniques for Higher Refund Success


Feb 15, 2024
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Maintain a calm and polite tone throughout the conversation. Avoid being confrontational or aggressive, as this can impede the resolution process.

Positive Language: Frame your words positively. Rather than saying, "You didn't deliver my package," you could say, "I haven't received my package yet, and I was hoping you could help me with that."

Mention Your Loyalty: If you are a loyal customer or have had positive experiences with the company, mention it. Companies often value customer loyalty and may be more willing to help.

Empathize: Use language to express emotions without being confrontational. For example, you might say, "I understand that things can go wrong, and I appreciate your assistance in helping me resolve this issue."

Highlight the impact:
Explain how the missing delivery affected you. Here's an example: "I was really looking forward to receiving this package on time, and its delay has caused inconvenience."

Refer to applicable company policies or guarantees. For example, "I saw on your website that you offer a guaranteed delivery time. Can you explain how we can approach this situation within that framework?"