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How to create a mining botnet

Botnets are networks of infected computers. This guide will cover how to use it to make money, among other uses. I've been working with botnets for years and want to share my knowledge. This tutorial will focus solely on HTTP botnets, but will provide comprehensive coverage. This should provide you with the necessary knowledge to create your own.

When categorizing botnets, we will frequently and most likely hear about three types, particularly when discussing HTTP.

  • Loader: Stealer. DDOS Loaders are designed to hold bots for as long as possible, with limited features such as download, execution, updates, uninstall, and botkiller. A botkiller removes malware and optimizes PC performance.
    Stealers can steal anything, including data, passwords, logins, credit cards, and FTP clients, depending on the botnet. Neutrino HTTP is a commonly used stealer.
    DDOS botnets are the most well-known in the community, and for good reason. You have the option of making something go offline using a variety of different DDoS methods. This can be monetized through ransomware or rental.

Free Botnets:

  • Betabot is a powerful multitasking native bot that can be cracked online, but beware of malware. This botnet is ideal for hosting a large number of bots. It includes top-notch botkillers, an AV killer, persistence, a file editor, and basic DDOS protection. Overall, it is a stable and reliable option.
  • Novobot is a C++-based loader for a simple botnet.
  • Gaudox, a freeloader, was released by excr4sh. This option is ideal for storing a large number of bots due to its strong encryption capabilities.
  • Loki is an extremely popular stealer.
  • OmegaNet is a multi-task botnet based on LiteHTTP (OPEN-SOURCE on github), distinguishing itself from the original LiteHTTP loader.
  • DiamondFox is a multi-tasking botnet that is widely used.

Paid Botnets

  • Quant - Loader: link.
  • Neutrino: link
  • Miner Bot: link.
  • Azourult - Stealer: link.
  • Godzilla - Loader: link.


So, before you go out thinking you can conquer the world with just the first page, you are mistaken. To achieve success, you must read the entire ebook. When creating botnets, it's important to avoid using normal hosting. You cannot use Google VPS, Amazon VPS, or any other "normal" hosting sites. Investing in an offshore / bulletproof server and domain can prevent future issues.

Offshore/Bulletproof hosting:

  • Panamaserver.com
  • Offshoreracks.com
  • CCIHosting.com
  • r01.ru
  • nic.ru
  • tonic.tu
  • openleaf.net.ru (Most popular among beginners.)
When purchasing hosting, consider using "Fast Flux," a proxy system that hides your server's real IP address.

Setting up your VPS

Once you've purchased your hardware, you'll want to look into software. Gather SSH, FTP, and control panel information. SSH allows you to execute commands and control your operating system. FTP is used to send files between you and your server. Control panel is used for server statistics, reinstalling, rebooting, and domain setup.

To access SSH, use Putty, available at link. Once downloaded, use your login credentials to access your servers.

CentOS 6 SSH Installation:

a. We'll start by updating the server and installing wget and vim. During installation, you will be prompted to confirm. Simply press "Y" and enter. Execute the commands in this order. To install wget, run the following commands:

  • yum update
  • yum install sudo yum install vim.
b. After that, you'll need to install Apache. Execute the commands in this order. To install httpd, run the following commands:

  • yum install httpd
  • service httpd start Once that is done, simply proceed.
c. Next, we will need to install PHP. For most scenarios, we will install and upgrade PHP using REMI and EPEL repositories. Run "sudo yum install php" Installing the repositories with wget. To download epel-release-latest-6.noarch.rpm, navigate to link and use rpm -Uvh. link && rpm -Uvh remi-release-6*.rpm You will now need to enable the REMI repository globally. We'll need VIM, the free text editor we used previously. (Press Insert to edit, and ESCAPE to enter command mode.) Enter command mode and type this: vim /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo. Now press insert, and under the sections [remi] and [remi-php56], change the following from 0 to 1: enabled equals zero. Now, press ESC again and type the following command: - :wq To upgrade PHP, run the following command: sudo yum -y upgrade php* -

d) We will now install MySQL. Sudo yum install mysql mysql-server Now, we will run MySQL. - Sub-service mysqld start You can use these commands to check and upgrade your MySQL version. - - Run yum -y update mysql* and rpm -qa -grep mysql (d.1). These may be unnecessary, but a few botnets require more PHP libraries. This can be done as follows. - Run "sudo yum install php-mysql". PHP-pdo, PHP-common, PHP-cli, and PHP-GD

e) You've almost finished setting up your server; congratulations on making it this far! Next, install the Ioncube loader. You can download it from: link. I use Centos 6 64-bit, so I'll run Linux 64-bit. To avoid confusion when using the link above, check your PHP version with php -v. To install PHP 5.6, download and upload the file "ioncube_loader_lin_5.6" to your server. To simplify, we'll use FTP instead of SSH. Download an ftp client (e.g., Filezilla) and log in with your credentials. The rest should be easy for you because it is so obvious. After downloading the file, upload it to /usr/lib64/php/modules/ioncube_loader_lin_5.6. Use VIM to edit PHP again.ini can be found under /etc/php.ini. Repeat the following command in ssh: - vim /etc/php.ini. Press Insert and type the following at the top of the file. It's just a path to the Ioncube loader. It's crucial that the Ioncube loader and PHP versions match. Include this line: - Zend_extension = /usr/lib64/php/modules/ioncube_loader_lin_5.6.so. After installation, we will restart Apache and MySQL to ensure proper functionality. Restart the httpd service. (mysqld restart, php -v f) You will now need to run the MySQL installation script. - MySQL_secure_installation To create a new root password for MySQL, simply answer any additional questions. Login to MySQL: - Use mysql -u root -p. Create a new database. Create database. Whatever you call it -

Making money

So, now that I've gotten off topic, let's talk about making money. You should now have a fully operational botnet. So, how can I make money? When you have everything set up, you must create your stub (the infected file / Trojan). To create the stub, open your builder. Each botnet has a unique builder. Use caution when using a cracked botnet, as it could be backdoored. Most botnets provide instructions for building the stub, which typically involves filling in blank spaces. Next, encipher your stub. After that, you can begin spreading. I will not be covering that, so find some leaked books from HF:) I may link some if there is a high demand. You are now far enough along in this process to give yourself a pat on the back; you did well thus far. If you don't already have a silent miner, search for one on various forums. Silent miners are simply Crypto Mining Malware. Cryptocurrency mining is a computationally intensive task that requires specialized hardware and dedicated processors. However, the cost of hardware is prohibitively expensive. To avoid this, we will infect multiple systems and consume users' CPU and GPU power. These are typically priced between $20-30, making them a cost-effective option. If you purchased it, ask the seller if it is FUD (Fully Undetectable). If it is, proceed with the purchase; if not, encipher the build you received. Simply login to your botnet, find tasks, and upload the FUD silent miner build. Many people would opt for the most logical solution, which is to mine bitcoin. However, the most profitable is Monero (XMR). You're now making money! Keep spreading, and if you need help, message me:)