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Chatting - Scripts for e whoring


Mar 2, 2024
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In my free chat guide on YouTube I dedicated a portion of the video to this topic for good reason, scripts will make up a considerable part of your earnings generated by chatting. I spoke about a sales ladder and how each video should be progressively more explicit and thus increase in price.

**What is a script?**

Creators will create a sequence of content made in one sitting that makes it appear the model is recording it live right at that moment for that exact fan. It gives you an incredible opportunity to increase the price of the content provided the script is made correctly, you can make it super personal for the fan through the added text on each PPV being sent. The chatter’s job here is to tailor each script in a way that it becomes a unique experience for every fan, It is incredibly important that the scripts are recorded in a way that is general and not too specific to where it goes against any narrative the chatter may need to come up with in order to sell the script in full.

**Chatter Strategy**

When it comes to deciding on what scripts to sell each shift you have a few options which I will run through and then state which one works best for us:

1. Have a numbered sequence of scripts that every fan runs through, this is the same for every fan and becomes incredibly easy for chatters to learn after a few weeks of doing this system. Script 1 would be something general like a good morning script, Script 2 would be Netflix & Chill, etc. As we move along the scripts we explore a new level of intimacy every time and get a better, deeper connection built with the fan.

2. Each shift has 2 scripts they focus on for up to a week before changing/rotating, the benefit of this is the chatter will be very familiar with both of the scripts they will be using and be able to improvise anytime they need to as they know it so well.

3. Have scripts that are suitable for every fetish and have the chatter request enough information on the fan to decide what script has the highest probability of being sold to that specific fan.

We use option 1, every fan has the same template ran on them and the reason we can do that regardless of their fetishes will be explained later in this section.

**Creating A Narrative**

Every script follows the same structure, the only thing that changes is the number of pictures and the introduction storyline. All of our creators are 18-23 so we always use the same stories and scripts, one that sells often due to the ‘naughtiness’ of it is ‘parents are gone & I’m home alone’. In every conversation the question ‘what are you up to?’ Always comes up, the girl (chatter) explains she is home alone, the fan might ask who do you live with if they are new, and you will explain your parents are gone and they rarely leave the house without you (chatter) so this is a special event, a special event that the fan can have a piece of. Every story attached to the scripts must set the scene and allow room for escalation, if the girl has a script of 7 videos but the first video says she is in a rush to go college the fan will assume he can spend his money elsewhere and get a girl's undivided attention for longer, make sure the script is broad and open to escalation. Always make sure the girl focuses on quality, when we launch a new client we make it clear to them that these scripts will be sold 100’s of times a month and it is better to have 6 good ones that are perfect over 20 rushed / half-assed scripts, make sure this is made clear from the beginning and thoroughly review each one after completion to give pointers, remember girls in their private sex life are used to always being told their perfect but this is a business and they are never perfect (always room to improve!).

**Structure of the Set**

Start (Free)

Middle (Paid)

End (Usually free, sometimes paid)

As I mentioned earlier, every single script follows the same structure so after the model makes a few she won't have to refer back to the guides again. Every Script will consist of 7 videos and with each video will be a set of pictures focusing on one feature of the girl's body, let's break this down.

**Part 1 - Start of Script**

This part of the script is always sent for free, sending content exclusively behind a paywall is a terrible way to build a relationship (that is why I made my verified earners group free, it is an exchange of value, ‘hey I’d really like you to join my group it's great but wait.. You gotta pay me first’). The client will always begin the script fully clothed whether that's in a gym outfit, a flowery dress, or pajamas she must always leave room for escalation, starting a script naked makes it incredibly difficult for the chatter to sell a 7-part script in full. The first video of every script must have a clear narrative that matches the storyline of which the chatter will run, as we mentioned earlier ‘parents are gone and I’m home alone’ in the first video of this script this is exactly what the girl will focus on explaining and making clear to the fan, after this the scripts are generalized to allow wiggle room for the chatter to run the narrative whatever way they decide up until video 7 where the girl will again mention the storyline ‘I had a lot of fun but my mom just text to say she got McDonald's and they are on the way home so I gotta clean up the mess we made’.

So what is included in this section:

Video 1 - 30-60 seconds long describing the storyline and emphasizing she is in a position to have fun with the fan + pictures focusing on different parts of her body mainly her boobs and ass, this is important as it will let the chatter use whatever suits the fan best, some guys like ass and some guys like boobs, it's not complicated. I will write a clear layout at the end breaking down each part of the set so you are not confused.

**Part 2 - Middle of Script**

The section is where we generate all of the income from the script, the end section can sometimes be sold but usually, the bulk of fans will only pay for this section if they even make it all the way through. The middle section of the script is broken down into this exact structure:

Video 2 - of the script will be the client stripping from her clothes to lingerie/underwear.

Video 3 - shows her stripping from full lingerie to semi-nude, still keeping her underwear on.

Video 4 - the client now gets fully undressed and starts to very teasingly masturbate.

Video 5 - She will be masturbating close to completion but not cumming.

Video 6 - is all about the orgasm.

Things to note here, each video will have pictures to go along with it that focus on the core fetishes fans usually have: ass, boobs, & feet. The video content as mentioned before needs to be generalized as much as possible but you have the opportunity to tailor it with the pictures attached to every part of the video script. While the videos are generalized it is the chatter's job to drive home the illusion that these scripts are being made exclusively for the fan they are speaking to every time by selecting the appropriate pictures between PPV videos or included with the PPV content, Always take the
opportunity to ask questions that can be answered with the pictures in the next portion of the script.

**Part 3 - End of Script**

This part of the script is the final portion of every script and is the ‘thank you for a good time section’ the model will have masturbated to completion in part 2 and is now saying her goodbye while showing her gratitude for the wonderful time she had. Sometimes it is possible to sell this section if the model is a squirter or if you want to include more explicit content in this section but typically we will send it for free if they reach this far as it always leaves them coming back for more since we left on such good terms. These thank you and goodbye videos should show the model breathing heavily, smiling and flustered and describing how intense her orgasm was or how much fun she had and telling the fan he made her feel so good, this business is about making the customer feel special so always spin it back on them, make him feel like he had a part to play in how good this orgasm/masturbation was, it's all about him!

Video 7 - Showing the fan the puddle/wet patch formed from squirting & her pussy after the orgasm and saying a very sincere goodbye but also emphasizing you should do this again. Quick Note: If the fan purchases this part of the script, send some unused pictures from that script as a freebie in the end, this is very rare and the fan will notice it potentially getting him to come back for more + this script content is already used and can't be used again so it's wasted if not sent at this moment.

**The Next Step**

After a sexting session, there are 3 ways the conversation can move:

1. The fan is still engaged and wants to continue sexting & paying for content, when this happens you simply move into another suitable script, this is almost always the shower script since the model might be a little sweaty, and it makes sense she needs to wash up after the first round. The bathroom/shower scripts should always start in a bathrobe and never clothes as they will most likely be different from the previous script.

2. The fan wants to continue the conversation but not sext unless they tip you for your time you need to close off the conversation by letting them know you have gym practice or have friends coming over any minute etc. You are not here to have conversations that won't lead to income, make the fan know you are thinking about them by sending the free selfies of said event you described.

3. If the fan no longer wants to continue speaking and is ready to sign off, simply say goodbye and mention you want to speak to them again - try to organize a time to be free so you get some quality time just the 2 of you once more.

**Never Ever Do This**

Everyone must be on the same page to avoid these silly mistakes that can easily be made by the chatters and the model:

1. Making every video look like a porn shoot, this is not a studio this is a girl sending amateur content to someone they enjoy speaking to, my girlfriends have never set up a tripod and 3 studio lights to send me a masturbation video in her bedroom.

2. Always record the sets at nighttime with a studio light that cannot be seen or identified in the video, this allows the chatters to sell the script at any time of the day, if it is clearly daytime in the background and you're trying to sell a script at 2 am (since you said you're from Florida and not Ukraine, this will be noticed by a fan eventually so it's best just to avoid it in the first place).

3. Changing outfits, lighting, hairstyles, makeup, nail polish, eyelash length, etc. during the scripts is a definite way to once again get caught out by the fan that these are not homemade and exclusively for him, this has the potential to ruin a relationship as you have essentially been caught lying, this is a huge breach of trust and often proves incredibly difficult to rectify once the mistake has been made.

4. Background music and movies, try not to have the audio of these playing in the background, this is for 2 reasons - firstly you can't fully immerse yourself in the experience of hearing the girl's body sounds and the other reason is that scripts take time to complete, if you have the same song playing for the entire script but it took 30 minutes to complete the fan will most likely notice. They may not notice the first round but they will be watching this script again and for sure will notice this next time. Quick Note: Sound quality no matter what phone is used is never up to scratch with tier 1 countries if you have clients in South America or Eastern Europe there is usually white noise in the background, this is caused by shitty aircon units and poor soundproofing so you can hear cars/motorbikes in the background - a quick fix is to buy the model a Bluetooth mic she can attach to herself or the tripod then use Adobe sound effects to reduce the background noise.

**Vault Management**

Adding scripts to the vault the correct way is essential to a chatter’s success, if a script is added in the wrong order or not correctly labeled they risk burning through potential customers. The vault management system we use looks like this:

Access title in the Vault: S.1 - Home alone

"S" stands for script and the number is linked to the storyline where 1 in this case is the home-alone script, Script 2 is always the shower script, and so on. Video 1 will have a label attached ‘1.10’. Picture 1 attached to video 1 is boob-focused labeled ‘1.11’. Picture 2 attached to video 1 is ass-focused ‘1.12’. Picture 3 attached to video 1 is full body & face ‘1.13’. Picture 4 attached to video 1 is feet focused ‘1.14’. Video 2 - ‘1.20’. Picture 1 - boob focus ‘1.21’. Picture 2 - ass focus ‘1.22’. Etc. As you can see there is a clear blueprint to which all of the scripts follow, the label remains the same for every script made, if the girls make a mistake it's on them to redo it and this is strongly reinforced in the beginning so that it doesn't become a regular occurrence. Script 2 will look like this Vault access: S.2 - Shower Video 1 - 2.10 Pic 1 - 2.11 Pic 2 - 2.12 Etc. This may seem a little hard to follow at first but after 1 shift the chatter will be able to execute it with good speed, make sure you have hotkeys set up on whatever chatting software you have so that when you type the hotkeys the PPV and price loads for the chatter with a general script attached and ready.


One of the key factors in being able to sell a full script for so much is down to the fact we are creating the illusion this is done live for that specific fan, it is bespoke content and mimics an exact sexting session you'd have with a partner, to ensure we get to the end of a script its important that we do not have any nudity on the page, in the mass messages or on social media (SFW networks aka TikTok, Instagram, Reddit) If we have nude content already free its going to much more difficult to sell the first few sections of the
script where the model strips down so keep that in mind. So price, we approach this in a different way to customs and PPV content, its progressive and we are always working towards the second last video which is the orgasm, if we can get there 5-10 times a day you are making $1-2k daily just from scripts alone if not more.

**How will we price the content and is it going to be the same for every sub?**

No, every sub is different and this takes time to gain the experience to know when to push and when to keep it minimal, this is why it is so important to gather info on the sub before running the first script, who are you dealing with? A divorced single dad with 3 kids and a drug addict mother or a CFO for a German tech company, one will probably pay $600 for a full script while the other might not even break $150.

**Rough guidelines for pricing**, this is the minimum you should be hitting, as you practice you will start to develop a 6th sense and just know when to push it higher (A good chatter will have a high close rate on scripts because they have a good sense of judgment on price):

- Video 1 - Free
- Video 2 - $15
- Video 3 - $25
- Video 4 - $40
- Video 5 - $50
- Video 6 - $75
- Video 7 - $20 or Free
- Min Total - $205+

Now remember there are pictures included with the scripts also so that can boost revenue for every script sold, an average script sold for me is about $400 the highest has been $1100 but he was tipping $200 before every video was sent, remember that whatever price you sell the first script at will be a constant anchor to prices you have on other scripts, you can't do the first script for $200 then expect $600 the next time.