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Chatting - LTV+ Guide OFM


Mar 2, 2024
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*Importance Of Building Genuine Relationships*

Chatting, when done correctly, will be a major percentage of total revenue on the account. Everyone knows this, or at least they should. So, how do we get to a point where subscribers are building genuine connections with the model and spending 4-5 figures a month on a single model?

I have briefly mentioned each of these topics in my free chatting course on YouTube, but in this section, I will break down each pillar of relationship building and discuss them in detail.

**Pillar 1 - Rapport**

I probably mention in 1 out of every 4 videos on my channel to always address the fans by their name. This makes it incredibly personalized and, more importantly, it makes it seem real for the sub. Mass-messages lack that personal touch so straight off the bat - when your chatters are speaking to subs, make sure they get their name immediately and input it into the nickname tab.

In the first conversation, unless the fan is directly engaged in getting content, your chatters should be focused on gathering info such as their sexual interests, their biggest fetishes and turn-ons/offs, and lastly, why they subbed in the first place. I worked with a milf before with 10/10 natural tits, but a subscriber was solely interested in feet content, had no interest in her boobs. So from the get-go, the chatters knew to always have feet content ready to sell or be revolving the conversation around feet.

Their real names are a great way to make it personal but also finding out what nicknames they might have or preferred ways to be addressed such as master, sir, my love, etc. Remembering these exact titles for that fan will make him feel special and individualized when the next sexting session starts aka ‘John, my love, I was wondering when you were gonna be off work today. I was hoping you didn't forget what we had planned but you're here now x’. Names and nicknames always!!!

Continuing with this avatar, John, My love, Foot fetish - let's continue on with making him feel special, we know he enjoys feet content, and we should already have a few scripts done out containing some feet pics but we're gonna lead the conversation by telling him you got a foot spa and pedicure, you were thinking of him and got his favorite color nail polish (something you should have got in the info gathering phase before pushing a sale). Match the color up with a script and start to push it, making sure he is ready to sext. Him seeing you have his favorite color of nail polish, foot-specific content ready for him, etc., will be a massive opportunity to show him you are different from other girls. Also, during any activities for the girl, have her take some improv feet content. This can be sent as relationship-building content for free throughout the week until it's payday again (store this in a ‘feet’ specific folder in the vault for others as well).

Always make adjustments to future content based on their suggestions; this will reassure him that you are a listener and take on board things he likes. The more he feels like he's different from the rest, the more he's going to be willing to spend on your client. It's very simple - make him feel like he is the only one, and it will bring amazing results. If you can sell scripts consistently and be sure every sexting session started with the sub will be run to completion at good prices, it's time you communicate with him more and give him that extra attention by asking him what you can improve next time. Make sure the model prepares the scripts after and are ready for when his next sexting session is scheduled. This leads to my next point.

You ideally want to know every detail of the sub's life. At scale, this is very difficult to track but with 2-3k subs, it's manageable as long as you follow a decent categorization protocol with the chatters. i.e., when a particular detail is figured out that it is immediately inputted into the subs notes, things such as when they get paid, birthdays, pets, children, holidays, set days off, etc., all of these things can help you build a deep connection with the sub. How many girls are going to message a fan on their day off wishing them a good day before they even wake up (very few)? When your team gets big enough, you can have an assigned chatter maintaining these top-up messages for all of the girl's big spenders. Their roles usually include uploading content and scripts so this is similar work requiring zero interaction with fans and just running through a checklist of people to message.

To summarize, your goal is to get as much information out of the fan as possible to use it against him later. You want to always be in control of the conversation and the direction it's heading, by extracting all of the key likes and dislikes the sub as you know exactly what to target when you have the correct content ready in the vault.

**Pillar 2 - I’m Only Doing This For You**

We will break this section down into multiple parts, the main point I want to focus on is making the fan believe that most of the content sent to him is just for his eyes. We can do this by having lots of variations in the script for each section (feet, boobs, ass, ahegao, etc.). This way, if he has a foot fetish, we just add the feet focused pics to the script.

Next, we have the price point. Since we are going to be telling the fan this is just for him, it allows us to charge more. But we do this in a certain way to make him feel special about the price he pays. Example: he orders a custom and this usually goes for 500 for 5 minutes, we will tell him 700 but because he is special and we really feel that connection with him we will charge 500 just for him (there is no change in price we just make it appear that there is).

Lastly, before expanding on this, we will always exercise the right to make it time-sensitive. Whatever offers we have or opportunities to buy something come attached with a time limit, and this will force them to make a decision more so on the emotional side rather than rational.

Methods for getting them to impulse buy and continue their spending:

1. The Andrew Tate special: Having PPV available for a set amount of time before it's gone forever, Sending out content with a deadline to buy, and making sure it's clear that if it isn't unlocked on time they never get the opportunity to purchase again, now an extra thing here is, of course, they can get it again by playing the ‘I’m only doing this for you cause I like you’ play you can make them feel special once again.
2. The free to paid funnel: Anyone running free pages depending on how much traffic you get it might be a good idea to start funneling people from the free to paid rather than trying to sell on the free alone, free pages can be incredibly tedious filtering out the nonspenders but by enticing them over to the paid you will get a much better customer base.
3. Top spenders need lots of recognition: I will talk about this more in length but you need a tier system in your chatting, depending on how big your creator is it will get to a point where you need dedicated chatter for the top 2 tiers of subs, these are fans that have to spend a certain amount and need extra validation through the free day in the life content and lewd freebies to show the appreciation, selling a pic for 200$ to a sub you know will spend 2k on a custom isn't worth the risk, build the relationship and the spending habits of the fan.

A final note on exclusivity, whenever you can pitch something as unique you must do so, an example of this is when a sub requests a custom that resembles a piece of content already made in the vault, never reveal to the subscriber that this is the case and maximize the money to be gotten from the custom request, charge the same as you would and put a delivery note for 12 hours later on the piece of content, this is just one example but make sure to exercise this as much as possible.

**Bundles, Time Limits & Discounts**

Three additional concepts to close this section of chatting, they each play an important role in boosting your ratios over time.

*Bundles* are exactly what they appear to be, these are much better suited to the occasional spender, someone who just has a crush on the girl but is not emotionally invested and looking for some good content to last a few days to weeks before returning. Something we have tested is when you are faced with fans that bargain and always try to argue the price, it is to include content already sent in mass messages. This allows you to sell content they have already ignored while having them perceive they are getting a good deal. For example, you have sent 2 PPV and he ignored both but on the third, he argues the $99 price point, you could send the previous 2 with the newest piece of content at a price point of $85. You can't exercise this often with the same fan as they will become aware of it and use it against you strategically, however.

*Discounts* can be offered in a few ways, although not chatting & more account-based you can offer discounts to expired subs to resub to the account, having chatting software allows you to follow expired fans also, take this opportunity to send out mass PPV at discounted rates. Other methods include, as already mentioned, offering discounts that will expire after a certain time period, posting tip goals on the feed and through messages to see a certain thing before the time limit expires at the discounted rate.

*Time-restricted content* is still by far one of the best ways to sell to fans who are interested in getting to see you more than getting to know you. If you manage to offer a piece of content that fan is really engaged with along with only being available for a certain time frame, you will inevitably increase your unlock rates with this tier of subscriber. Tate is an excellent example of this in practice by instilling fear, that time is running out to get rich while simultaneously having the exact thing you need to get rich. Apply this principle to chatting in the exact same manner, you have exactly what he wants and time is ticking for him to get it but once the clock is up so is the ability to get what he wants.