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Chating Guide For OnlyFans


Mar 2, 2024
Reaction score
Last Seen

Chatting - Basics

This section of chatting will walk you through a template of how we approach every new fan from start to finish, start implying when they sub and finish meaning what rank we will assign to them. Just like marketing, chatting is a system and the chatters follow this system for every client they work on along with every fan they communicate with, systems are what will take you from 1 girl to 15k to $50k.

Fan Subscribes, What Next?
The 2 things he is going to see first after subbing are the pinned messages and the welcome message, the pinned messages are usually related to a community goal for a toy, camera, lingerie set, etc while the welcome message should be something that invokes a response to kick start a conversation. I don't recommend the pinned message to involve anything that requests a tip for content for example ‘Tip $169 to get all of my most explicit content’. Anything like this will immediately do 2 things to your chatters:

  1. Make it much harder to sell content for more than that price as well as sell it often.
  2. Come across as needy and not interested in building genuine relationships. You must remember this is all a fugazi, we try our hardest to come across as a genuine girl who wants to make their day better but in reality, we are employing every manipulation tactic we can to make as much money from them as possible (I don't care how bad that sounds this is your job).
Okay so now the fan has browsed the profile and seen a little bit of your content. Next, he’s on his way to message you, what is the best thing for him to see next? A locked message with some text, a free video asking the fan open-ended questions, or simply nothing. Correct, we are going to have the creator make a short clip of her smiling and happy as can be (happy girls make money) in this video she is going to thank the fan for taking an interest in her and begin building rapport immediately by asking the fan questions such as what they like about her, where did they sub from, have they known about her for long.. These are all questions that lead to the same result for us and that's having something to start a script with.

We are not going to sell anything for the first few interactions, we aim to get a conversation going where we can get as much information from him as possible, and then we will let the fan make it sexual on his own, when we push back it will be a very unique situation for him as he used to be sold to immediately after subbing, so after we push back we know he's ready and interested we can start to lead into a script with the info we've gained AND stored into the notes tab with whatever chatting tool you use (BuddyX is what I use).


Now before we continue with the possible outcomes when running a script we need to talk about Lifetime value, this is the total spend of a given subscriber, and you can calculate your average order value which is the net revenue divided by the number of active subs, this figure is important to know if you ever decide to run paid promotions (this will be added in the guide soon). So how do we make the LTV of a fan as high as possible? Firstly we need to make sure he stays around so we can sell to him more than once and as often as we can, we only get to this point if we have built a genuine relationship with the fan, we know when his birthday is, what his hobbies are, what his wife doesn't do for him but we can etc. The best way to explain what we are trying to accomplish can be compared to a guy meeting a girl for a one-night stand at the club, the guy hardly knows who the girl is or what she likes, it's going to be very transactional and tense, the next time they meet for a coffee and end up having zero chemistry versus a guy and girl talking for 2 weeks, then meeting for a coffee, now they get on well and are comfortable with each other and the sex is much better, this is exactly what we are aiming for when chatting, have him comfortable spending money on the girl and not have him regretting his purchase cause you tried selling him PPV after 3 messages sent. The only way to have a high LTV is to make sure the fans are coming back for more so there needs to be something else you bring to the table other than sexual content, so spend most of your time gathering info that you can use against him later, sharpen your axe longer than you chop the tree, it will be much easier to knock down aka make the sale.

Loading The Gun:
Before we push the sale we must first take a step back and analyze who is the person we are selling to and how can we sell in a way that makes it authentic, the typical fan that subs to girls has usually subbed to other creators outside of you, this means he is getting spammed messages like ‘baby I’m so fucking horny right now’ ‘Let me show you how wet I am + 3$ Locked message’ this is your competition so to come across like a genuine girl makes them a little cautious at first but soon they will let their guard down. Knocking their guard down coupled with giving them the belief that they could potentially have a girl like you in real life is very rare for them, this is why we take it slow in the beginning asking questions and getting as much data as we can, this will allow us after the sale to line up the next conversation to sell once again, you need to get to the point where your chatters have deep conversations with these men, yes it can sometimes get dark and you become a therapist but as long as these men are tipping that's what we are here for.

Just Before We Pull The Trigger:
This is the last checklist if you will that we look at before we start pushing our first script. First, we ask ourselves have we got to know him? Career, schedule, hobbies, relationship. Next, these are questions that can be put in the welcome message video already mentioned, what do you like about me? What's your favorite sexual act or desire? Why are they on OF (If the model doesn't speak English simply write these types of questions beneath the video, and have her recreate the video without speaking you are looking for authenticity and the girl being herself). Lastly, we let the fan get sexual before push/pulling him, the push-pull technique will look something like this: the fan is on his way home from work, in the car, and lets you know so you respond by saying ‘I bet you’d be in a rush to get home if I was waiting for you ;)’ this is sexual and most likely he will go along with it and respond in a sexual tone, now we push back and say ‘but first I'd make sure to make you dinner’ this is romantic and less sexual, we are trying to peak his senses in all directions - sexual and nurturing, after this we wait for him to make it sexual again and provided he is in a place to unlock content we begin to push the script, we do this to make him think he wants it - we just planted the idea in his head and moved onto something else like dinner, when he brings it back to sex we know he is engaged and it will
be much easier to sell when his horniness takes over.

First Attempt At Selling:
This is covered extensively in the Script section but we are going to push for a sale for the first time, the first part of the script is always free and this is to lure them in and give them a sneak peek at what is about to happen, the fan should be horny enough that he is dying to see the next video and fully engaged in the conversation with you, following the structure of the scripts you will run the story and like a girl would, in this case, go record the next video for the fan so you say ‘brb gonna show you what's underneath’ or whatever way the script goes. You should be in full control of which direction this goes because all of the scripts are prerecorded meaning you can't deviate from the script without losing money and running into issues (the script structure allows for errors and variations to an extent). If the fan starts to derail the conversation at any point you need to address it immediately by guilt-tripping him in a subtle way aka ‘babe let me show you what way I like it done’ This gives him a chance to learn how to please you for when he gets to never meet you and allows you to keep the script on track. When a script is in motion your only priority is keeping as close to the straight line as possible (a book by Jordan Belfort) the further you get away from the line the higher the possibility the script doesn't follow through to the end and you miss the chance to capitalize on the last few media that are worth the most, always lead the convo and stay close to the straight line when running a script.

Post Script:
You are faced with 3 scenarios here:

  1. If the fan didn't unlock the first PPV, attempt another sale at a lower price, if unsuccessful he is a low-priority sub, and deal with him another time.
  2. Fan unlocks a portion of the script, we focus on getting to the reason why he isn't continuing before we decide what to do, whether he says later, too much and can't afford it or is not satisfied, etc take each situation as an opportunity to sell again through adjustments.
  3. He completes the script in full and finishes the job, we do not want to disappear here this is a terrible idea, we want to be a little clingy like a normal girl would be after sex and wait for him to say goodbye, go with the flow here sometimes it possible to run a second script (shower script: you are cleaning up after an orgasm) or chat some more and potentially line up another sexting session after payday, etc what's important is let him be the one to say goodbye so that he has your undivided attention through & thus you'll have him coming back for more of that feeling. No matter what the situation, if they spend money make sure they are aware of how much fun you had and that you can't wait to do it again, line up your next opportunity to sell anytime you can, they see it as you wanting to talk to them again whereas you see it as another opportunity to sell, give them something to think about during your break like something you could have done differently in the script or a particular outfit to wear next time, now they've shown they have money a custom content request won't be long coming, all you're doing is gathering info for it.