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Bypassing 2FA/OTP on PayPal Logs: A Guide


Regular Member
Feb 3, 2024
Reaction score
Last Seen
How to Use PP Logs:

1) Download DUCKDUCKGO.

2) Disable WiFi and use LTE/4G.

3) Visit scamalytics.com (Check your IP Score).

If your fraud score exceeds 20, Turn airplane mode on for 5 seconds, then off.

4) Go to the website you want to visit.

To be safe, try to check out only items worth $250-400. (If you PROXIED up, you could do whatever you wanted.)

Check to see if the website you're attempting has a PayPal Express checkout option. If it does not, the log will most likely be 2fa, but you can still get in balanced logs, which are best for shopping.

5) Go to the item(s) you want to check out, add them to your cart, and then check out.

6) Scroll down to Buy Now.

Select Checkout with PayPal from the Express Payments menu.

7) Type the email manually and slowly. Copying and pasting will trigger some warnings and lock your log.

8) Type the password MANUALLY, slowly. Make the first letter capital if it isn't already, and uncapital if it is.

For example, suppose the password is "Password123". Make your password "password123".

9) After it says invalid, retype the correct password slowly and carefully. Take about 5 seconds or more after correctly typing your password before clicking the complete checkout button.

10) It should take you to the checkout screen, asking what payment method you want to use; once there, this is perfect.

11) Checkout as usual, but after you leave the PayPal screen, make sure to change the email delivery address to yours.

12) To increase the chances of a successful order, ship to the billing address.

13) Once your order is complete, contact the support email address provided at the bottom of the checkout page.

14) Provide them with a message that goes like this: "I placed an order on your online store using Paypal Express checkout, after placing my order and reveiwing it in my email I realized paypal input the incorrect address, if you could fix that for me that would be great!" .