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2024 Nintendo SE Method Revealed


Regular Member
Feb 16, 2024
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You can use a local marketplace like OfferUp or Facebook Marketplace (excluding eBay) to find a Nintendo Switch. Look for a listing that includes a picture of the console's serial code. Once you find one, go to the live chat support on Nintendo's website. Let them know you bought the Nintendo Switch as a birthday gift for your 8-year-old daughter from a physical store like Best Buy. Explain that upon unboxing, you noticed flickering green lines on the screen's side, and despite trying various troubleshooting methods like rebooting, charging, and letting it discharge before recharging, the issue persists. Mention that you sought help from the store where you bought it, but they directed you to contact Nintendo directly. During the conversation with the support representative, mention that you're currently staying at a hotel for your daughter's birthday party and are in the process of packing up. When asked for the serial code of the Switch, confirm that it was purchased locally, as this is a requirement for their assistance. If they suggest shipping the console for repairs, emphasize the urgency since you're staying at a hotel, which should prompt them to offer a replacement console instead. If they need your address, name, phone number, and other details, provide them accordingly. Congratulations, you now have a new Nintendo Switch.