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💵 Legitimate IRL Business Method: $1000/Month Strategy 💼 Grayhat Approved


Mar 5, 2024
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Last Seen
METHOD OVERVIEW: This method will be reselling or dropshipping replica clothes. There are two ways to do this: if you want to maximize profits, dropship the replicas as real items; method 2 is more ethical, dropship them / resell them as reps, which has lower profit margins but is still profitable. I'll go into detail about how to accomplish this.

HOW IT WORKS: In this method, we will order clothes from China and ship them to either your own address to resell or dropship the replica directly to the customer. This is done by ordering clothes from the Chinese local equivalent of Amazon, called Taobao. Because it is a Chinese website, they can only ship to Chinese addresses. So we use a so-called middleman.You provide the Middleman with the link to the Taobao product, and they will order the product to their warehouse, send you quality check images, and ensure that you receive the correct product size and color.

STEP 1: We are using a middleman called Pandabuy. To find products to sell, there is an entire community on Reddit (r/fashionreps) that posts images of the products they order from Taobao, reviewing them, stating the quality, and so on, so you can tell if it is a good rep, good value, and so on. They also provide a link. Once you've found a product you like, enter the link into Pandabuys' homepage search engine. This will automatically translate the page to English, as Taobao is entirely in Chinese and impossible to navigate without an account. Pandabuy will allow you to view the product page in English and order through their website. Once you've added all of the products you want to buy to your Panda buy cart, top up your balance (bank transfer is the cheapest way to save fees) and place your orders. After 1-7 days, the products will arrive at your warehouse, where you will be able to view the high-quality photos provided by Pandabuy for free.

Step 2: Submit a parcel once you're satisfied with your order. Depending on the method you use, you would then send the parcel containing the products they ordered from you to the address they provided you with. This is a good method, but shipping times vary, ranging from 5 to 20 days depending on where the customer lives (USA, Europe, etc.). Alternatively, you can submit all of the products to your address to save money on shipping, as shipping through these middlemen can be expensive, ranging from $7 to $12 per 2.2 pounds or 1 kilogram of package weight. Once all of the products have arrived at your house, you can ship them to those who have ordered.
Much faster.

STEP 3: Are you wondering how I sell these? Create an Instagram account, create a free logo using one of the freelogo websites, and post real images of the product you're selling along with the price you're asking for. If you are selling replicas as real, set a high price that is lower than retail. If you're selling them as reps, include 1:1 or rep in the post title or in your Instagram bio so people know. Also, set a lower price. For example, you're selling panda dunks. Get professional photos from Google or other Instagram pages and post them to your page, perhaps with your logo in the corner. If you want to go above and beyond, use Photoshop or an AI background removal tool to remove the background from the image and apply your own custom background for that extra touch of professionalism. Buy 1-5K followers and post giveaways. Do some follow-for-follow and contact people via direct message. Add to your bio. Accepting all payment methods, including PayPal and CashApp. Most importantly, say "DM" to order.

Step 4: Use depop's algorithm to promote your product images for sale. Depop also converts very well for this. Note that you are not permitted to sell reps on Depop, so you must either say they are real or, in DMs, say they are fake. Once the user sends you the money, place an order on Pandabuy and ship the product to their home (THIS WILL RESULT IN LONG DELIVERY TIMES), or if you already have the product, ship it to them! When they receive it, they will be pleased; consider offering them a discount if they buy again or refer a friend. If you're using Instagram, add a reviews story bubble and post screenshots of DMs from customers who are satisfied with their purchases.

Conclusion: This method has the potential to generate money. I did for years, as did so many others. It takes some time to learn how the entire system works, but it is well worth it. This took me a long time to write, so please rep and like to express your gratitude. Good luck !!!